It is important to remember that your AI for Good idea is going to be scored by the judges against the six Microsoft Ethics Principles. As a reminder these are:

Fairness: AI systems should treat all people fairly.

Inclusiveness: AI systems should empower everyone and engage people.

Reliability & Safety: AI systems should perform reliably and safely.

Privacy & Security: AI systems should be secure and respect privacy.

Transparency: AI systems’ real goals should be clear.

Accountability: AI systems should be accountable to other humans.

In your submission you will need to write a sentence or two to these questions.

Fairness: We believe our AI concept is fair because…
Inclusiveness: We believe our AI concept is inclusive because…
Reliability & Safety: We believe our AI concept is reliable and safe because
Privacy & Security: We believe our AI concept respects privacy and is secure because…
Transparency: We believe our AI concept is understandable because…Accountability: We believe our AI concept is accountable because…

So you will need to make a case for why your idea meets these principles. As an example: 

Fairness: We believe our AI concept is fair because our Robo-Jury does not make any decisions based on racial bias, as the AI does not see a picture of the person, or even see their name (so that they cannot profile a person based on their cultural background). The Robo-Jury AI only looks at the facts of a case presented by lawyers, and makes a scientific judgment based on these facts.

And remember, if you can’t write a strong statement for each of these points, it could be time to adapt your idea slightly to make it meet these principals more powerfully.