Judging Criteria

Innovation: 3 Marks

How original is the idea, compared to other submissions, or other uses of AI that exist already?

Low Impact : The AI idea is not innovative at all. It is already in existence and widely used.

Medium Impact: The AI idea shows some innovation and brings some new concepts to the field of AI.

High Impact: The AI idea is exceptionally innovative, and is likely to be a new idea, or a significant contribution to the field.

Buildability: 3 Marks

How realistic is it that this concept would be built in the next ten years?

Low Impact: It is very unlikely that this AI idea could ever b built.

Medium Impact: This AI has some potential to be built now, or in the next ten years

High Impact: This idea could absolutely be built now or in the next ten years.

Potential for Impact: 3 Marks

Does the idea have potential for scale, either by impacting people or the environment in a powerful way?

Low Level: The potential for people/environmental impact is minimal because the AI is not scaleable.

Medium Level: There is potential for impact for people/environment because the AI idea is somewhat scaleable.

High Impact: There is potential for impact for people/environment because the AI idea is definitely scalable.

Presentation of the Idea: 3 Marks

How effectively and creatively has the team presented the idea?

Low Level: That AI idea was presented in a way that is was difficult to understand, or is a way that lacked creativity.

Medium Level: The AI idea was presented in a clear way, and/or creative way.

High Level: The AI idea was presented with exceptional clarity and/or creativity.

Ethics: 3 Marks

Activity 1

You need to submit your challenge entry in a team or two or three students, so this is a great moment to pick your team.

Rather than just teaming up with your friends, we encourage you to build teams around shared areas of passion! (Your solutions will be better if you do this).

It’s also great to have a mix of skills in your team, with perhaps someone who can write well, someone who is really creative, someone who loves science etc.

Activity 2

Here are the steps we’ll be going through in our Design Thinking Process (Module 4) to get you and your team from problem to solution to submitting your AI for Good Challenge solution:

1. Understanding the problem

2. Coming up with solutions

3. Picking & improving ideas

4. Ethics check in

5. Making your submission great

6. Submitting correctly