This is the stage of the challenge where you need to identify your area of passion.

We think the easiest way to summarise your area of passion is to finish the sentence:

‘It is unacceptable that…’

Remember that for this challenge, these need to fit into the categories of AI for Earth,  AI for Humanitarian Action, or AI for Accessibility

As Aaron discussed in the video, it might be useful to think about an issue that:

– you have direct experience of yourself, and/or -makes you upset.

If something doesn’t come to mind quickly then we encourage you to browse through some local and international news, and as you read the stories, try to identify which of them are really jumping out to you.

The best solutions always emerge when the inventors behind them are trying to solve problems that they are truly passionate about. There is a real likelihood that your ‘it is unacceptable that…’ statement is the issue that you will be solving with your AI concept.

So make sure you are inspired by the statement you come up with!

inspiring young australians

Check out the awesome work of Baker Boy, the 2019 Young Australian of the Year and see how quickly you can recognise the area he is most passionate about.

Now head on over to the Australian of the Year website, to see what other Young Australians of the Year have focused their efforts on.

As you read about their amazing achievements, keep thinking of the challenge in the world that you want to dream up an AI solution to.

Microsofts Global Student-Technology Competition

Microsoft holds a global student-technology competition for teams of students from around the world, where they compete to create technological solutions that address everything from health issues to gaming.

A few years ago, some students from the University of Canberra
won the competition with their innovation, Eyenaemia.

Check out a video of  them with Bill Gates on the next page!